Zuzana Pravňanská
Played in the next movies :
- "Aha, ocko, našla som zápalku" ("Aha, dad, I found a match") - fire-prevention clip, ~1975-76?;
- "Stroskotanie Danubia" ("Danubia Disaster(?)"), 1976
- "Spadla z oblakov" (english caption: "She came out of the blue sky"), 1978
- "Stôl pre štrnástich" ("A table for fourteen"), 1978
- "Frajeri a frajerky", (free translation ~"Boy- & Girlfriends "), 1979
- "Povstalecká história" ("Rebellion story"), 1984
Screenshots from the movie:
"Stôl pre štrnástich" ("A table for fourteen")